Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day 12 – Sunday Sept 19th 2010

I don't think I ever waited so much for a Sunday - and I am sure it is true for most of the AMPers here. It shows how much of reading and preparing one needs to do.

Woke up quite early for some reason - sometime I find this so funny that I waited so much for Sunday thinking that I will sleep longer, but what actually happens is the other way around ! Decided to go running, but with a view to take some photos as well. Changed the direction of my run, and went in the opposite direction - on the running trail away from Boston.

It was a chilly day, but wonderful weather to run. Ran about 6 km and it was quite refreshing. Some photos of the running trail and nearby areas are posted below - mRunners (my running club mates in Bangalore) will enjoy seeing this.

Today there was a tour of Boston arranged by the AMP staff here. It started at 11 in a nice big bus and drove thru the important landmarks in Boston. We had a guide with live commentary - these guys do tours for diplomats and state guests, so I hope he knew the stuff he was talking. We drove thru MIT, Beacon Hill, Boston Commons, old areas, new town and some of the snazzy areas of the city. The only place we stopped was near the Prudential Towers, where we went to the observation deck on the 50th floor to get an aerial view of Boston and its suburbs. It looks beautiful from there and of course a bright sunny day helped. On the way back we drove past the Fenway park - the home of the Boston Red Sox. This city has so much of history unlike many other US cities - so it may be worthwhile to read up a little before we do a city tour.

One interesting piece of information I gathered on why there is so much of red bricks used in Boston - the ships from England used the red bricks to balance the ship on the way to the Boston area, unloaded the bricks and took lumbar on the way back to England. The locals started using the red bricks for construction and the tradition continued well after the bricks were made locally. The usage of red bricks gives Boston a pretty look and very European.

We spent about an hour on top of the Prudential tower and enjoyed the sights and views. Came back to HBS at about two pm and walked across to the Harvard Square for a good Indian lunch. Came back and slept for a good two hours.

The weekend is over - and so quickly. SO back to work and getting ready for the classes on Monday . Another busy week ahead .... More later.

View by the Running Trail

Running Trail

View of the Fenway Park - Home of the Boston Red Sox

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Tester said...
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