Sunday, September 12, 2010

Perspective of a program - and the living group

The first day left every one excited about the various possibilities of learning and sharing. I got the feeling that we will have adequate time for sports and leasure – which turned out to be very difficult. I did manage to get a good 10k run on Monday – running by the side of the river is beautiful – and the sheer number of people exercising in some form or the other was surprising; most people running or cycling, some bare bodied, walking and skating. The running trail starts just across the McArthur hall after crossing the road thru a walk-over bridge, goes past Boston University – I am not sure where the trail ends, as I have gone only 5k till now. May be over the weekend, I will figure that out. Another interesting thing I noticed was a public exercise place by the side of the trail – with various bars and a water fountain, for the parched souls ! Michael L Tushman – the Chair of the AMP179 program took a brief session on the objectives of the program. The diversity of the participants is stunning – 168 participants from 40 countries with an average age of 47 – this was clearly an Adult Education program ! Historically the AMP program was a 13-week program, when it started way back in 1945. Can you believe that this program is that old ? And today there are 19000 alumni . We are all grouped into 8 or 9 per group – called the Living Group. More on this later and about my own group. The schedule is tough and demanding and it includes Saturday morning classes. HBS has a strong belief in long programs – “even the longest program is too short.” It is an unusual opportunity to step back from the grind of our daily work and get a different and unique perspective. This comes from the topics, the case study approach to discussions, very engaged faculty and diverse/experience participants. Given the tough and uncertain times, this is a great learning opportunity for leadership. Usage of technology to drive learning is amazing here at HBS. I was quite surprised that all participants were “strongly encouraged” (euphemism for ‘should do’ !) to have one of the following – iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch . HBS Mobile Nexus is an iPhone App, which is quite indispensible during the program - it has all the events, the schedules, the resources to be read up before class, faculty details, participant details and a map of HBS, just in case you get lost ! Some cases are in the form of iTunes media as well. The rooms are all equipped with a PC (fully configured for email, HBS Intranets, Office and most important Skype !). Every living group has a printer, projection on flat TV’s and all other office needs. Our Living Group is a fabulous one – we are eight of us.
• Top row : Tae Hyung Kim (Korea), Bart Cambell (UK/New Zealand), Gail Galea (Canada) • Second row : Partha (India), Roger Jenkins (USA), Fernando Kamisato (Peru) • Third row : Kevin Smith (UK), Christian Neitzel (Germany) As part of the group norming exercises, we became aware of ourselves as individuals and as a group. And we gave ourselves a name : TRUE Joy. The expansion of TRUE being – Team work, Respect, U and Us, Educate. And of course we want to enJOY ! More later .....

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