Monday, September 13, 2010

Schedule, classes, preparations

The whole batch is split into two groups of about 80 each. All the sessions have been held in the McCollum Halls 01 and 02. These are located within the McArthur building – where our rooms are located. Your seating in the class is pre-decided by the staff here and they rotate your positions once a week – so that you sit with different people and that also becomes a learning opportunity. Names in placards make it easier for the proffessors to call people by name. Class rooms are well equipped with all sorts of sliding boards for writing, and projection systems. The Prof has a console from where he can control these equipments. The interesting thing is this: except one professor on one has used PowerPoint slides from the system directly – they still use transparency slides ! Old habits die hard, I suppose.

All sessions need a lot of reading materials – and preparation. Our team had agreed on the following:

  • For each case, we will form a group, who will study the case in detail and help all others understand the issues
  • The whole team meets every day from 7:30 PM till 10:30 PM to discuss all the cases.
  • The case team will also prepare a one pager and circulate to all team members
It has been a challenge to complete these discussions on time. It should not be surprising to guess what will happen, if you have eight high profile, successful, high IQ, Alpha male (and females) in one room – we will have more opinions and views than people ! So no discussions end on time. But we sure have a lot of fun and joy during these team meetings. And of course the biggest benefit is the experience the whole team brings to the table – these discussions become interesting, challenging, bring new perspectives and quite stimulating. The broad schedule looks like this: 0600 Exercise (optional)
  • 0700 to 0800 Breakfast
  • 0830 to 1000 Class
  • 1000 to 1030 Break
  • 1030 to 1200 Class
  • 1200 to 1300 Lunch
  • 1315 to 1445 Class
  • 1445 to 1515 Break
  • 1515 to 1630 Class
  • 1630 to 1715 Individual work/preparation/Gym/Free time
  • 1830 to 1930 Dinner
  • 1930 to 2230 Group Preparation

It is quite hectic – to say the least. More later .....

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