Saturday, October 27, 2007

Enterpreneur Network

A few months back, I was invited to the online launch of the National Enterpreneur Network in Bangalore. It was a small nice group of people who had come together under the NEN umbrella to help young entrepreneurs. Great idea and well executed. What I found was that this group consisted of extremely talented young individuals who were energetic and led by the dynamic Laura Perkins. I had a few thoughts on the enterprenuership scenario as I see it. Here are my thoughts that I shared in that forum. Trust me – entrepreneurship requires more than just growing a pony tail to give the look of a nerd ! The world has become more entrepreneur friendly than ever before – Govts, officials, VC’s – all are welcoming new entrepreneurs. But most people look for beyond just the next “revolutionary idea” Between and idea to IPO, there are many stages that one needs to go thru – I call this as the five stages – Ideation, Creation, Devotion, frustration, fruition. I remember that statement made by Jim McCann, who started 1-800-FLOWERS, highlighting the need for relationship networking , when he said that “ relationship is the transaction – without which there can be no business. Entrepreneurs need access to people, information, content, templates, governance, finances, other entrepreneurs – so many things. And most importantly, especially in the early stages of ideation, they need access to other nerds. Nerds like other nerds – they are a different breed and their needs are different. In todays world, I believe we are in the third generation of entrepreneurships. And I call this as Collaborative Entrepreneurship. Where people can share , learn and innovate. NEN Online is a great step in full-filling this need. And by involving educational institutions, we are also taking care of the biggest missing link in India – Industry-Academic interactions – which has been one of the critical parameters for the success of startups in Silicon Valley, Seattle, Austin, etc. NEN Online is a great portal to enable collaboration, allow access to successful and budding entrepreneurs, share content and events. I hope 10 years from now, when we look back, there will be atleast a few entrepreneurs who will say that she got a lot of help from NEN Online.

Friday, October 26, 2007

First blog

This has been going on in my mind for many months now. Though I work in a field where we make technologies which help others in making their life easier, I can't claim to be a technology geek in any way. And I always used to wonder why I am not sharing my thoughts in blogs. Partly it is lethargy but more importantly I wonder if this will be of use to any one at all. Honestly, I also think that today there is an overload of information - in all forms. Hence I also believe that to many people waste their productive time in searching for information - and in the process get lost in reading/browsing unwanted and useless but curious pieces of information. Anyway, now that I have made up my mind to post and hopefully this will be of use to someone somewhere. Comments welcome !